在飞机上吃晚餐,妙妙“你好空姐,请问飞行餐里有宝宝能吃的辅食嘛;例如土豆泥或中国蒸蛋饼之类的!”Hello stewardess, there are complementary foods for babies in the flight meal; such as mashed potatoes or steamed Chinese omelet!
空姐:不好意思林女士,我们飞行餐内没有专门给宝宝吃的辅食;要不我们给孩子做个牛肉三明治再弄个蛋花汤您看可以吗?Flight attendant: I'm sorry, Ms. Lin, we don't have any complementary food for the baby in our flight meal. Why don't we make a beef sandwich and an egg drop soup for the baby?
妙妙:好的,辛苦了你们了!Miaomiao: OK, thank you for your hard work!
空姐:不客气,林女士!Flight attendant: You're welcome, Ms. Lin!
糖糖果果很配合钱三一的投喂,自己拿着三明治吃着;这时机舱内有人认出了林妙妙“你就是去年给航空公司辩护的律师,林妙妙吧;真是幸会哈,你的知名度都快绕地球一圈了!”You're the lawyer who defended the airline last year, Lin Miaomiao; what a pleasure to meet you, your popularity almost circles the world!
这时细心的空姐也认出了妙妙,乘务长和机组成员都过来问候了;钱三一完全状况外“不好意思打断下,这到底是怎么一会事儿啊?”Sorry to interrupt, but what the hell is going on?
乘务长:您是林律师的爱人吧,很高兴认识你;林律师去年帮我们国航跟美国一家航空公司打了一场历经两年的官司,帮我们国航挽回了损失,官司结束后林律师悄悄离开了,我们国航的领导还想当面感谢您呢!Purser: You are Lawyer Lin's lover. Nice to meet you. Lawyer Lin helped Air China fight a lawsuit with an American airline last year, which lasted two years, and helped Air China recover its losses. After the lawsuit, Lawyer Lin quietly left. Our leader of Air China would like to thank you face to face!
妙妙:我这次时间有点儿紧,之前我一直在墨尔本大学法律系任教;我到时候带着糖糖果果去国航总部看领导们好吧,因为我父亲过两天60大寿……!Miaomiao: I am a little pressed for time this time. I have been teaching in the law department of Melbourne University before; I will take Sugarsuguo to the headquarters of Air China to see the leaders at that time. OK, because my father is celebrating his 60th birthday in two days...!
钱三一:不好意思啊空姐,给你们添麻烦了…!Qian Sanyi: Sorry stewardess, I gave you trouble...!
空姐:不会的,来糖糖小朋友你的三明治!Stewardess: No, sugar your sandwich, little friend!