



Now we compute its topological index. We need to compute the Chern character of an induced bundle,and we consider this in a general setting.

Let ρ:∪ₙ → ∪ₘ be a homomorphism,and E be a complex vector bundle of rank n. Denote the induced bundle by E × ᵨ ℂᵐ. We want to find how the Chern classes of the two bundles are related.

Without loss of generality,we assume that E=l₁⨁ · · · ⨁lₙ,that is to say,the structure group has been reduced to the torus Tⁿ. ρ defines a representation of the torus and the representation decomposes into one-dimensional ones,since Tⁿ is compact and abelian.

We first consider α:Tⁿ= S¹ × · · · × S¹ → S¹. Suppose it is of the form (z₁,. . .,zₙ) ↦

∏zᵢᵏⁱ,kᵢ ∈ ℤ. The S¹-bundle ET × α S¹ → BT has first chern class c(α) ∈ H²(BT;ℤ),which is the image of the generator in H²(BS¹;ℤ). H*(BT;ℤ)=ℤ[t₁,. . .,tₙ] is the tensor product of copies of H*(BS¹;ℤ).

Let ф:Tⁿ → Uₙ be the embedding. The bundle ET ×α ℂ → BT has transition functions ∏ fᵢᵏⁱ when ET × ф ℂⁿ=l₁⨁ · · · ⨁lₙ → BT has transition functions (f₁,. . .,fₙ),according to the definition of α. Thus ET × α ℂ → BT is isomorphic to l₁ᵏⁱ ⨂ · · · ⨂lₙᵏⁿ .Thus c(α)=∑kᵢtᵢ.

In general,if α=(α¹,. . .,αᵐ):Tⁿ → Tᵐ,

ch(ET × α ℂᵐ)=∑eᶜ⁽αʲ⁾=∑eΣᵢᵏʲᵢᵗᵢ .

ⱼ ⱼ

The total Chern class is

c(ET × α ℂᵐ)=∏(1+c(αʲ))=∏(1+∑kʲᵢtᵢ).

ʲ ⱼ

By splitting principle,this is true for general rank n complex vector bundles. Here are some examples:i) ρ:∪ₙ → ∪ₙ is conjugation (of complex numbers). E × ᵨ

ℂⁿ=E*=ˉE. kⁱⱼ=–δⁱⱼ.

ₙ ₙ

c(E*)=∏(1 – xᵢ)=∑(–1)ⁱcᵢ(E).

ᵢ₌₁ ᵢ₌₀

ii) For ∧ᵏ E,u ∈ Tⁿ acts as eᵢ₁ ∧ · · · ∧ eᵢₖ ↦ ue,∧ · · · ∧ ueᵢₖ.

c(αᵢ₁,. . .,ᵢₖ)=xᵢ₁+· · ·+xᵢₖ and c(∧ᵏE)

=∏ (1+(xᵢ₁+· · ·+xᵢₖ)).

1≤i₁<· · ·<iₖ≤n

iii) For ∧ᵏE*,

c(∧ᵏE*)=∏ (1–(xᵢ₁+· · ·+xᵢₖ)).

1≤i₁<· · ·<iₖ≤n

ch(∧ᵏE*)=∑eˉ(xᵢ₁+· · ·+xᵢₖ)).

1≤i₁<· · ·<iₖ≤n


ⁿ ⁿ

∑ ch(∧ᵏE*) · tᵏ=∏(1+te⁻ˣⁱ).

ₖ₌₀ ᵢ₌₁

Now let’s consider an oriented real bundle E of rank 2n. By splitting principle, we may assume that it splits into a direct sum of oriented plane bundles (or complex line


bundles) and talk about its Chern roots. We want to calculate ∑ⁿₖ₌₀ ch(∧ᵏE* ⨂ ℂ) · tᵏ Let ρ:Tⁿ ⊂ SO₂ₙ → ∪₂ₙ be the inclusion,where Tⁿ denotes the standard maximal torus. This Tⁿ ⊂ ∪₂ₙ is a conjugate subgroup of a torus in the standard maximal torus in ∪₂ₙ, and the conjugation restricts to

(cos(2πtᵣ) –sin(2πtᵣ)

) ↦(ᵉⁱ²πᵗʳ 0)

(sin(2πtᵣ) cos(2πtᵣ) ( 0 ₑ⁻ⁱ²πᵗʳ)

on each S¹. Thus the weights of ρ:Tⁿ ⊂ SO₂ₙ → ∪₂ₙ are (x₁,–x₁,. . .,xₙ,–xₙ). where the xᵢ’s are the Chern roots. By the same argument as above,

ⁿ ₙ

∑ch(∧ᵏE* ⨂ ℂ) · tᵏ=∏(1+te⁻ˣⁱ)(1+teˣⁱ). ᵢ₌₁


Settingt=–1,we have

ₙ ₙ

∑ch(∧ᵏE* ⨂ ℂ) · (–1)ᵏ=∏(1 – e⁻ˣⁱ)(1 – eˣⁱ). ᵢ₌₁


Thus for the de Rham complex defined for an oriented compact 2n-dimensional manifold,

indₜ(d)=〈((∑(–1)ⁱ · ch(∧ⁱT* ⨂ ℂ) )


ₙ xⱼ 1

∏(─── · ───).[X]〉

ⱼ₌₁ 1 – e⁻ˣʲ 1– eˣʲ

=〈(∏(1 – e⁻ˣⁱ)(1 – eˣⁱ)


ₙ xⱼ 1

∏ (─── · ───)),[X]〉

ⱼ₌₁ 1 – e⁻ˣʲ 1 – eˣʲ



3.2 Dolbeault complex

Let X be a complex n-dimensional manifold,Tℝ its tangent bundle as a real manifold, and T=T¹,⁰ the holomorphic tangent bundle. Recall that


T*ℝ ⨂ ℂ ≅ T* ⨁ T*,


∧ⁱ(T*ℝ ⨂ ℂ) ≅ ∧ⁱ(T* ⨁ T*) ≅ ⨁ₚ₊q₌ᵢ (∧ᴾT*


⨂ ∧qT*).


Let ∧ᴾ,q=∧ᴾT* ⨂ ∧qT*,Aᴾ,q:=Γ


(∧ᴾT* ⨂ AqT*).The exterior derivative d: Aᴾ,q → Aᴾ⁺¹,q ⨁ Aᴾ,q⁺¹ splits into d=∂+ˉ∂,with ∂:Aᴾ,q → Aᴾ⁺¹,q and ˉ∂: Aᴾ,q → Aᴾ,q⁺¹.

One easily check that as before,ˉ∂ defines an elliptic complex of differential operators for each fixed p. This is called the Dolbeault complex. Let Hᴾ,q be the q-th cohomology group of this complex,and hᴾ,q be its dimension.

Definition 5 For fired p,χᴾ;=∑ⁿq₌₀(–1)q h ᴾ,q is defined to be the αnαlyticαl index of ˉ∂. χ⁰ is αlso cαlled the αrithmetic genus.

Now we would like to find what the topological index is by the index theorem. First set p=0.


∧qT*=AqT. By the calculations in the former subsection we have

ₙ ₙ

∑ch(∧ᵏT) · tᵏ=∏(1+teˣⁱ).

ₖ₌₀ ᵢ₌₁



χ⁰=〈((∑(–1)ⁱ · ch(∧ᵏT)


ₙ xⱼ 1

∏(─── · ───)),[X]〉

ⱼ₌₁ 1 – e⁻ˣʲ 1 – e⁻ˣʲ

ₙ xⱼ


ⱼ₌₁ 1 – e⁻ˣʲ


For general p,define χy=∑ⁿₚ₌₀ χᴾ·yᴾ to be a formal linear combination of χᴾ. Formally χy is the analytical index of the elliptic complex (Cq,ˉ∂),whose direct summands consist of yᴾ copies of the p-th complex for each p, i.e. Cq=⨁ₚyᴾ · ∧ᴾ,q.


∑(–1)q ch(Cq)=∑(–1)q yᴾ ch(∧ᴾT*)ch(∧qT)


= (∑(–1)q ch(∧q T))(∑ yᴾch(∧ᴾT*))

q p

=∏(1 – eˣʲ)(1+ye⁻ˣʲ),

and consequently

ₙ xⱼ

χy=∏((1+y · e⁻ˣʲ) ───) [X].

ⱼ₌₁ 1 – e⁻ˣʲ

That is,

ₙ xⱼ

χy=∫ₓ∏((1+y · e⁻ˣʲ) ───).

ⱼ₌₁ 1 – e⁻ˣʲ

This finishes the calculation.

For y=0。the above formula tells us that

χ₀=χ(X,𝓞 )=∫ₓ Td(X).

Indeed this is a special case of Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem,as we will see later.

For y=–1 and X an n-dimensional compact Kähler manifold,this yields the Gauss-Bonnet formula

χ–1=∑(–1)ᴾ⁺q hᴾ,q=e(X)=∫ₓ∏ xⱼ=∫ₓ cₙ(x). ⱼ₌₁

For y=1 and X a 2n-dimensional compact Kähler manifold,the χy-genus is

ₙ xⱼ


ⱼ₌₁ 1 – e⁻ˣʲ


where L(X)=L(p(X)) is the L-class explained later. This is the Hirzebruch signature theorem.


4 Hirzebruch Signature Theorem

4.1 Multiplicative sequence

Let A be a fixed commutative ring with unit, and A* a graded A-algebra. Write AΠ for the ring of formal power series α₀+α₁+. . ., where αᵢ ∈ Aⁱ,and AΠ₀ for its subset containing elements with leading term 1. AΠ₀ form a group under multiplication.

Now consider a sequence of polynomials

K₁(x₁),K₂(x₁,x₂),K₃(x₁,x₂,x₃),. . .

with coefficients in ∧ such that,if the variable xᵢ is assigned degree i,then each Kₙ (x₁,. . .,xₙ)is homogeneous of degree n. Given an element α ∈ AΠ with leading term 1, define a new element K(α) ∈ AΠ by the formula

K(α)=1+K₁(α₁)+K₂(α₁,α₂)+ . . .

Definition 6 These Kₙ form α multiplicαtiυe sequence if K(αb)=K(α)K(b) for αll grαded ∧-αlgebrαs A* αnd αll α,b ∈ AΠ₀(i.e.K:AΠ₀ → AΠ₀ is α group homomorphism).

Theorem 11 Giυen α formαl pοωer series f(t)=1+λ₁t+ . . . ωith coefficients in ∧,there ezists α unigue multiplicαtiυe sequence such thαt K(1+t)=f(t) for αll 1+t ∈ AΠ₀.

We omit the proof. Note that if α=(1+t₁) . . . (1+tₙ),then K(α)=f(t₁) . . . f(tₙ). tᵢ

Consequently,the Todd class ∏ᵢ ───


∈ HΠ(B∪ₙ;ℚ) is indeed given by the mul-tiplicative sequence associated to the series




where we take ∧=ℚ,AΠ=HΠ(B∪ₙ;ℚ). We may write

Td(c)=∏ td(tᵢ) ∈ HΠ(B∪ₙ;ℚ).

where c is the total Chern class and tᵢ’ s are the Chern roots.

Here you may notice somet hing strange.tᵢ is indeed in H²(B∪ₙ;ℚ) but not H¹(B∪ₙ;ℚ). To avoid this,we may replace H*(B∪ₙ;ℚ) by H²*(B∪ₙ;ℚ):= ⨁ₖ H²ᵏ(B∪ₙ;ℚ) with grad-ing given by k. We will take this for granted when considering Chern classes,and use H⁴* when considering Pontrjagin classes.

4.2 Hirzebruch signature theorem

We define the L-genus of a 4n-dimensional smooth compact oriented manifold to be

L[M]=〈L(p(M)),[M]〉=〈Lₙ(p₁(M), . . . ,pₙ(M)),[M]〉

where L is the multiplicative sequence associated to

√x 2²ᵏB₂ₖ x x²

──── =∑ ────xᵏ=1+─ – ─

tanh(√x) k≥0 (2k)! 3 45

+ . . . .

For a 4n-dimensional smooth compact oriented manifold,we define its signature σ(M) to be the signature of the symmetric bilinear form defined on H²ⁿ(M⁴ⁿ;ℚ),

(α,b) ↦〈α∪b,[M]〉.


Theorem 12 For α 4n-dimensionαl smooth compαct oriented mαnifold.


Both sides are algebra homomorphisms from Ω*.⨂ to ℚ (where Ω* is the oriented cobordism ring),so we only need to check the result on the generators ℂP²ᵏ of Ω* ⨂ ℚ.

H²ⁿ(ℂP²ⁿ;ℚ) is generated by a single element and we easily see that its signature is one.

For a complex vector bundle ξ viewed as a real bundle,

1 – p₁+p₂ – · · · =(1 – c₁+c₂ – . . . )(1+C,c₁+c₂+ . . . ).

In particular,for the tangent bundle of ℂPⁿ,

1 – p₁+p₂ – · · · =(1 – α)ⁿ⁺¹(1+α)ⁿ⁺¹=(1 – α²)ⁿ⁺¹,

1+p₁+p₂+ · · · =(1+α²)ⁿ⁺¹. Consequently for ℂP²ᵏ,L(p)=




where α is a generator of the cohomology ring.

To calculate〈L(p(ℂP²ᵏ)),[ℂP²ᵏ]〉,it suffices to calculate the coefficient of α²ᵏ




The result follows from direct calculation using contour integration in complex analysis, and this completes the proof. ▢

In the proof above we are using the fact that the total Chern class of ℂPⁿ is of the form (1+α)ⁿ⁺¹ where α is a generator. We sketch a proof.Let L be the tautological line bundle(which is the dual of the hyperplane bundle H).Let ε be the trivial line bundle,and ω the complementary rank n bundle of L ⊂ εⁿ⁺¹. Thus TℂPⁿ=Hom(L,ω) and

TℂPⁿ ⨁ ε=Hom(L,ω ⨁ L)=Hom(L,εⁿ⁺¹)=(n+1)H.

Taking total Chern class of both sides we have c(TℂPⁿ)=(1+c₁(H))ⁿ⁺¹,as desired.

Now we show that this is indeed a special case of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. Recall Aⁱ:=Γ(∧ⁱ(T* ⨂ ℂ)),〈α,b〉= ∫ₓ α∧ *ˉb.

Define τ:=(–1)ⁱ⁽ⁱ⁻¹⁾/²⁺ᵏ* and d*:= – * d*=–τdτ,where dim(X)=4k,and * is the Hodge-* operator. Since τ² is the identity, ∧(T* ⨂ ℂ)=E₊ ⨁ E₋ splits into eigenbundles with eigenvalues +1 and –1 with respect to τ. Since

T(d+d*)=τd – ττdτ=τd – dτ= –(dτ – τd)

= – (dτ+d*τ)= – (d+d*)τ,

one can consider d+d*:ΓE₊ → ΓE₋.

Recall H²ᵏ(X;ℂ) is isomorphic to the vector space of harmonic forms 𝓡 ²ᵏ(X)=ker(d+d*) ⊂ Γ(∧²ᵏ(T* ⨂ ℂ)). One verifies that 𝓡 ²ᵏ(X) splits into eigenspaces 𝓡 ₊²ᵏ(X)⨁

𝓡 ₋²ᵏ(X) with respect to τ:Γ(∧²ᵏ(T* ⨂ ℂ)) → Γ(∧²ᵏ(T* ⨂ ℂ)). Restricting to the space of real harmonic forms H²ᵏ(X;ℝ) ⊂ H²ᵏ(X;ℂ), this gives exactly the decomposition into positive and negative parts with respect to the intersection form. To see this,for example, for a real harmonic 2k-form α in 𝓡 ₊²ᵏ(X),we have

0<〈α,α〉=∫ₓ α ∧ *α=∫ₓ α ∧ τα=∫ₓ α ∧ α.

Hence σ(X)=dimℂ(𝓡 ₊²ᵏ)–dimℂ(𝓡 ₋²ᵏ). We have an elliptic operator d+d*:ΓE₊ → ΓE₋ since its square is the Laplace operator Δ:Γ(∧(T* ⨂ ℂ)) → Γ(∧(T* ⨂ ℂ)) which



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