Alexylva大学(Alexylva University)
安布罗斯餐厅(Ambrose Restaurants)
安德森机器人(Anderson Robotics)
Are We Cool Yet?
黑皇后(The Black Queen)
混沌分裂者(The Chaos Insurgency)
芝加哥鬼灵(The Chicago Spirit)
破碎之神教会(The Church of the Broken God)
第二海托世教会(Church of the Second Hytoth)
Wondertainment博士(Doctor Wondertainment)
工厂(The Factory)
第五教会(The Fifth Church)
反大麻玩家(Gamers Against Weed)
全球超自然联盟(The Global Occult Coalition-GOC)
格鲁乌“P”部门(GRU Division "P")
赫曼·富勒的不安马戏团(Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting)
地平线倡议(The Horizon Initiative)
玛娜慈善基金会(Manna Charitable Foundation)
MarshallCarter和Dark有限公司(Marshall Carter and Dark Ltd.)
***物品回收办公室(Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts-ORIA)
梦神集团(Oneiroi Collective)
普罗米修斯实验室公司(Prometheus Labs Inc.)
欲肉教派(Sarkic Cults)
蛇之手(The Serpent's Hand)
打鲨鱼中心(Shark Punching Center)
联邦调查局所属特异事故处(Unusual Incidents Unit,Federal Bureau of Investigation)
威尔逊野生动物应对组(Wilson's Wildlife Solutions)